Resident Evil 4 Remake Mods

Category Name Mods Downloads Total size Last update
General Mods 15 2,474 May 14, 2024
Graphic Mods 2 50 May 17, 2024
New Weapons 5 1,765 Jun 03, 2024
Skins / Textures / Menu Mods 42 5,422 Jun 03, 2024
Tools 4 630 May 30, 2024
All Mods 68 10,341 3.03 GB May 14, 2024

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Latest mods

No Yellow Paint

  • [Mod]
  • Posted about 1 year ago

Introducing a simple mod for the Resident Evil 4 Remake that removes the yellow paint typically found on crates and other destructible objects, which indicates item pickups. This understated modification enhances the realism and challenge of the game by eliminating the visual cues that guide players toward potential loot.

Tint Remover

  • [Mod]
  • Posted about 1 year ago

The REFramework script is designed to remove the blue tint and other on-screen effects from the game. Thanks to SilverEzredes for this adjustment.